"We Have Before Us an Ordeal of the Most Grievous Kind"
Today has resulted in blow after blow after blow. I was busy for much of the day an unable to keep a close eye on the news as I have so intently in the past 48 hours. Piece by piece I discovered the most devastating of news: first that Montana had been lost; then Missouri. Next came the horrific shock of the resignation of Mr. Rumsfeld. Today we lost a noble man, a man who came into this administration with high and lofty goals for a military - now defeated by mindless rhetoric? Unseated by the absurd calls of a few radicals? I was not able to believe the news when I had heard it. The replacement, of which I had not heard before, seems to be a man of good credentials, having served six previous presidents and having ample experience. We can only hope that he is a strong conservative with absolutely no 'cut and run' in him.
The final piece of disgusting news was the Democratic win in Virginia, which nailed the coffin of the Republican Revolution of 1994 shut. With this, we now know that the Defeatist Party has taken the helm, much to the celebration of the Muslims.
Mr. Bush shall not go down without a fight though. If he is the man we elected, he will fight them bitterly to the end. We cannot allow any further setbacks in Iraq; any Democratic motions to lessen or disengage our involvement there would effectively turn into a defeat for America.
Livy, after the massive defeat at the Battle of Lake Trasimene by the hand of Hannibal, said that this was announced in Rome by the Praetor: "We have been defeated," he said, "in a great battle." (Livy, History of Rome, Book XXII) And indeed that quote holds true today. We have been defeated. But, like the Romans after Trasimene, we shall fight back.
On the bright side, knowing that the Democrats won't accomplish much but infighting, corruption, and squabbling in the next two years, we have a much better chance of winning the presidency in 2008. And by 08 we shall have learned the lesson that we cannot be apathetic about the polls; we cannot allow the Democrats to make an election a referendum on Iraq (when 95% of they themselves voted for the war in the first place!)
In the next two years we need to watch the news closely. We need to be active politically. And we shall not tolerate this ill-won Democratic majority.
I'll finish with Churchill:
"We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I can say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim?
I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be;
for without victory, there is no survival."