Hopefully, a revival.
I know no one reads this, and I've come to terms with this. This is probably why Dave and I stopped posting as frequently as we were back in the spring. But now I really think it's time for a comeback. I've brought some fresh blood in. Brantley, truly a
vir bonus, will now be contributing to this website as he sees fit. He fits more of, at least what I think to be, a 'Paleoconservative' view of the world. Slightly different from Dave's 'Neoconservativism' and my right-winged libertarianism. There is certainly a lot going on in the world, especially in the realm of domestic and foreign politics that could fill books. I'm not quite that ambitious, hopefully a couple of paragraphs here and there.
I guess now I'll mull about the internet and think of some things that would stand as a good reemergence into the zesty world of political blogging.