Another excellent example of why America rocks.
In a
Wall Street Journal Editorial today, the case is made for more American unilaterial action into the Sudan and Chad to stop the Muslim ethnic clensing of Africans.
The UN can't seem to get their act together to do this, and NATO is useless and antiquated now. The more events develop in the world, the more that Bush's "You are either with us or against us" seems to become a concrete real principle of action for how the world works.
We may not have it all right, but I think we have it the most right. And that has to count for something.
I'd love to see what the anti-war sect have to say about this. If they lend an ounce of support to it, then their case against Iraq crumbles. If they stand against it, however, then they allow for pacificsm to enter a new realm indifference where the America ignores the plight of persecuted people for the sake of some rediculous principle.