A hahaha
i saw this posted on instapundit...
"And reader Michael McDowell isn't having any of it:
Zerbisias condemns those Westerners who "claim to be morally superior." Well that is absolute horseshit. I am tired of being told not to judge other cultures through my "American lens" because I don’t understand their circumstances. I believe in equal rights without regard to race, religion, color, gender or country or origin. I believe in the freedom of homosexuals to marry and live freely in society. I believe in freedom of expression, and speech, and the free exchange of ideas. I believe in kindness, compassion, consideration, and that dogs make life better. I don’t "claim to be morally superior" to those ass-hat murderers; I am morally superior."
I really like that statement. Everyone keeps advocating to me that we need to judge societies in terms of their own behavior, cultural relativism. How can you be relative and be for human rights? How can you be relative and for civil liberties? These extreme islamist cultures are far far away from the quirkiness of some strange south american society that some rich anthropoligist glorifies in a pretentious novel and brings back royalties on local culture to make her millions of dollars. These are brutal, savage people killing in the name of god. Crusades? The Religion of Peace Strikes Again!!